How do I sign up for a PayPal account?
To sign up for a PayPal account, visit our sign-up page. We offer 2 types of accounts: Personal and Business.
For businesses, please select the correct business type based on the below definition and required documents
If you are.. | Please select this business type | Be ready with the following documents |
A business run by individuals such as freelancers, professionals, and consultants | Individual | No business proof is required. |
A registered business that is owned and operated by a single person who is responsible for tax and liabilities. | Sole proprietorship |
One of the below:
A business owned by at least two partners, who share business profits, losses, and other responsibilities. | Partnership (Inclusive of LLPs) |
A business entity registered with a CIN number under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. | Corporation (Inclusive of private /public limited companies) |
An organization that is owned or controlled by the government of India. | Government |
Regardless of the business type, please be ready with an authorized person’s PAN and Aadhaar to complete the process. For further information, please refer to How do I confirm my identity?