How do I find, download or request a correction to my 1099?

Information provided by PayPal is not intended to be and should not be construed as tax advice. For questions about your specific tax situation, please consult a tax professional.

You can access your Form 1099-K from your PayPal account around January 31. Please go to the new PayPal Statements & Tax Centre

Here’s how to view or download your Form 1099-K from a web browser:

  1. Click Settings next to “Log out.”
  2. Click Statements and Taxes near the top of the page. 
  3. Under the “Tax Documents” section, select the year you need from the dropdown.
  4. Select 1099-K.

Here’s how to request a change to your Form 1099-K from a web browser:

  1. Click Need to change your 1099-K? in the 1099-K box.
  2. Follow the onscreen steps to make your change.
  • If tax forms are issued for your account, they will be listed here and available to download or print.
  • If a tax form or statement is not listed and you still feel like you met the applicable reporting requirements, please contact PayPal for assistance.
  • You can also request a Reconciliation Report for your 1099-K that will list the transactions included in your total gross sales for goods and services.
  • Additionally, in the event that you’ve closed your PayPal account, your Form 1099-K will be mailed to your address on file.

What if the amount reported on my Form 1099-K is incorrect?

When reporting on Form 1099-K, PayPal is required to report the gross amount without making any adjustments for credits, cash equivalents, discount amounts, fees, refunded amounts, shipping amounts, or any other amounts. PayPal must include any transaction identified by the sender as being for goods or services.

Here’s how to request a correction to your Form 1099 from a web browser:

  1. Click Settings next to “Log out.”
  2. Click Statements and Taxes near the top of the page.
  3. Under the “Tax Documents” section, select the year you need from the dropdown.
  4. Click Need to change your 1099-K? in the 1099-K box.
  5. Follow the onscreen steps to request your change.

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