5 Questions You Should be Asking Your Payments Processor

Aug 02 2024 | PayPal editorial staff

Choosing a payments processor can be one of the most important decisions impacting the success of your operations. For many, it's also one of the most complicated. Here’s what to ask.

Enterprise merchants need to accept high-volume payments seamlessly and securely across multiple channels and geographic locations – all while providing an enjoyable customer experience. Choosing a payments processor can be one of the most important decisions impacting the success of their operations.

For many, it's also one of the most complicated. A quick Google search will bring back dozens of providers, all claiming to offer the best solution. So how can you find the solution that's the right fit for the unique needs of your operations? Here are five things to ask your current and future payments partner.

1. Can you help me increase conversions and customer lifetime value?

The average global cart abandonment rate in 2019 was 69.57%1 – and it’s often because of the checkout experience. Online shoppers, especially when on their phones or tablets, don't want to jump through payment hoops to make a purchase. In fact, 30% said they would abandon a purchase if they didn't find their preferred payment method.2

A seamless checkout experience is essential to helping increase conversion rates and encouraging repeat purchases. PayPal Complete Payments helps drive sales by delivering faster customer checkout with fewer clicks regardless of channel, and all the payment options customers want: credit and debit, PayPal, PayPal OneTouchTM, and mobile wallets like PayPal Wallet and Apple Pay, all in one integration.

2. Can you help me access new customers and markets around the globe?

As e-commerce and mobile payments technology breaks down borders, many enterprise merchants are focused on global growth. But barriers remain in the constantly shifting global landscape, where differing regulatory and compliance laws can make expansion seem labour-intensive and costly. And if you can't accept payments in the local currency, customers are more likely to find a different merchant who can.

PayPal Complete Payments for Enterprise allows enterprises to accept and process payments in more than 200 countries and regions and in 100+ currencies . You’ll get access to 360+ million active users worldwide who use PayPal.3 Plus, we offer the most popular local payment methods like UnionPay, Bancontact, and JCB. Combine our global knowledge with local relationships, and you get the support needed to navigate global expansion.

3. Can you help me improve my flexibility and agility?

In today's ever-changing payments environment, it’s not enough to offer the payment methods that are currently popular. Enterprises must be able to operate on a market-by-market basis while retaining the flexibility to add new payment methods as they become available. They’ll also want a scalable payments platform that allows them to adapt to changing market conditions and customer preferences without causing headaches for developers.

Instead of struggling with multiple technologies, enterprises using PayPal can add new payment methods with just a few lines of code. As enterprises grow and customer needs change, they can easily add even more features, like PayPal One TouchTM, recurring payments and subscriptions, native purchases from third-party partners, and more. Our customisable SDK allows enterprises to seamlessly scale across new markets and channels without adding to their tech stack.

4. Can you help me increase operational efficiency?

If you have multiple gateways and payments processors, it can be challenging to gain a comprehensive view of your payments data, not to mention the time wasted training employees and managing each platform. Meanwhile, chargebacks are often a fraught, time-consuming process that keeps your team from focusing on more strategic efforts. To continue to scale, enterprise merchants must improve the efficiency of their payments process whenever possible.

PayPal Complete Payments helps you minimize the burden of back-office operations and make more data-driven decisions. One easy-to-use dashboard provides comprehensive reporting for all your payments, verifications, and disputes down to the transaction level, all in one place. We provide tailored support for chargebacks and filing disputes, and we make it simple to seamlessly integrate third-party tools like Chargehound to help you manage the chargeback process.

5. Can you help me mitigate risk and simplify compliance?

Fraud protection and compliance can be critical to operations and to the reputation of your brand. Because enterprise merchants handle millions of transactions a year, fraud rules that are too stringent can keep out legitimate transactions – and end up sending customers elsewhere. To help control these costs, top payments platforms offer proactive fraud-management tools that can help businesses make fast decisions about questionable transactions and build rules to meet their specific needs.

PayPal Complete Payments for Enterprise delivers all the tools businesses need to manage risk.PayPal Fraud Protection, powered by Simility Technology, is a next-generation tool that uses machine-learning-based technology to help enterprises spot fraud – without reducing authorisation rates. Simility analyses real-time global fraud trends to help optimise the entire system, and enterprise merchants can set their own rules across markets.

In addition, PayPal for Enterprise is a validated Level 1 PCI DSS compliant service provider, which is the highest industry standard, and can help enterprises become eligible for SAQ A-level PCI compliance validation. With capabilitiesin over 200 markets, PayPal for Enterprise can assist with compliance with regulatory requirements no matter where you do business.

Can your current payments processor help you do all these things? If the answer is no, you may not be getting the most value. PayPal Complete Payments for Enterprise is here for you.

The content of this article is provided for informational purposes only. You should always obtain independent business, tax, financial, and legal advice before making any business decision.

1 Statista, Online shopping cart abandonment rate worldwide from 2006 to 2019, March 28, 2019.
2 Online study commissioned by PayPal and conducted by Ipsos MORI Conjoint Research in October 2018. Survey conducted across seven markets (UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, US, Australia, Brazil) with 1,500 respondents per market/10,500 total respondents, including 6,930 PayPal users.
3 PayPal Reports Third Quarter 2020 Results, November 02, 2020.
The contents of this site are provided for informational purposes only. The information in this article does not constitute legal, financial, IT, business or investment advice of any kind and is not a substitute for any professional advice. You should always obtain independent, professional accounting, financial, IT and legal advice before making any business decision.

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