How do I make a complaint to PayPal Giving Fund?

Your complaint must be about something that PayPal Giving Fund is directly responsible for. You need to make your complaint in writing through our online form. Please state clearly in the first line of your message that it’s a complaint.

We'll do our best to issue a response to your complaint within 7 working days. If we can't meet this timeline, we'll let you know why and indicate when we expect to be able to respond to your query. If you’re not satisfied with the full response, you can ask for a further review. This can take another 7 working days from the day of escalation.

​If you’re still unhappy with our approach, you can write to the Executive Director of PayPal Giving Fund Canada for a final response. Please use the online form and state clearly in the first line of your message that it is an "escalated complaint for the attention of the Executive Director of PayPal Giving Fund Canada".

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